Latent destruction through substitution of Haitian society: an epistemological and historical perspective
genocide, economicide, ethnocide, linguicide, historical epistemologyAbstract
This article aims to understand and explain through a reflection focused on the historical epistemology and habitus of Bourdieu, how the Western countries, specifically, United States of America, Spain, Germany, Canada, and France are carefully and subtly planning Haiti's collapse by substitution. It highlights five methods of latent destruction in which is inscribed the setting of gradual deconstruction to replace the Haitian society by imposing a soci-political environment in perpetual instability that encourages young people to flee their country. At the end of the reflection, the article conxludes that the Western countries want to take over the land of Haiti and drive out the black savages of the Caribbean (as they used to treat them) who inhabited it.
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