Contribution to the conservation of water sources for the teaching of science from de Pastos and Tukano indigenous communities




indigenous communities, conservation, water sources, science education


The importance of rescuing ancestral knowledge lies in remembering the way of life, the customs, customs and traditions that the ancestors have transmitted over time. In order to determine the contribution of the indigenous communities of Pastos and Tukano in the Males and La Asunción Reservations to water sources, and to promote their rescue and revaluation for science teaching, a qualitative study is presented. Using instruments for the collection of knowledge and with the help of the captains, leaders and elders of each reservation - who have the innate knowledge and the appropriate technique that has given results throughout different generations - the information was collected through interviews, surveys and a field diary in each reservation. In this way, it was possible to reflect and rescue the knowledge of communities located geographically on opposite sides of Colombia, both in the southwest and southeast of the country.


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How to Cite

Contribution to the conservation of water sources for the teaching of science from de Pastos and Tukano indigenous communities. (2025). International Journal of Human Development and Sustainability, 2(1), 73-86.