Robot for inclusive education


  • Ibar Federico Anderson Universidad Nacional de La Plata Author
  • Luis Ponti Escuela Técnica Concordia Author



robot, technical school, inclusive pedagogy, mechatronics, education


This study focuses on the design, development and evaluation of an educational mobile robot, called Robot-T2, to be used in educational activities within a technical school. The main objective was to create a versatile platform that allows students to explore programming, engineering and science concepts in a practical and collaborative way. The methodology included an iterative design and testing approach, incorporating feedback from students and teachers to continually improve the functionality of the robot. The tests covered autonomous navigation, line following and object manipulation, using the OnBotJava programming software and the Control-Hub as the main interface. The results demonstrated that the Robot-T2 is highly efficient and adaptable in various educational contexts, showing remarkable precision in navigation and manipulation of objects. The design iterations significantly improved the robot's performance, enriching the educational experience and promoting active learning. In conclusion, educational robotics, represented by the Robot-T2, has great potential to enrich the teaching and learning process in technical schools, promoting teamwork, problem solving and the integration of technology in the classroom. It is hoped that this project will inspire future developments in educational robotics.


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How to Cite

Robot for inclusive education. (2024). International Journal of Human Development and Sustainability, 1(2), 51-73.