Adversus pluralitas: investigating the medieval evolution of the idea of plurality as a rescue of individuality (from the apocatastasis of origins to Occam's razor)
medieval philosophy, science, individuality, matter, pluralityAbstract
In this paper, I intend to explore the history of a quest of medieval philosophy, which transcends even its own era, since it led to the science of the material, laid the foundations for the future development of Western sciences and philosophy itself, already in modern times; and where I believe I perceive the presence of a constant: the search for the individual, the singular, within the philosophical concepts that medieval thought was forming. This is what I call the Adversus Pluralitas of Western scholastic philosophy. This exploration is carried out both from the point of view of doctrinal analysis and historical context, through the study of fragments of the works of the most important representatives of the philosophy of the medieval period, as well as more recent texts referring to them.
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