“Being and time” in Jan Patočka





phenomenology, ontology, ethics, being, time, fundamental ontology


This article attempts to reconstruct Heidegger's work Being and Time, drawing attention to his hermeneutic concept of ontology. Heidegger's fundamental ontology reveals itself as an effort to reestablish an ontology which, in its past concepts, has forgotten its specifically human foundation. The original concept of phenomenology thus allows a new destiny for the understanding of ontology. The second part is devoted to the reconstruction of the philosophy of Jan Patočka , considered an indirect disciple of Heidegger. It analyzes thematically: negative Platonism, the problem of the natural world, existence as bodily movement and a particular conception of history. The summary not only highlights the light that Patočka brought to Heidegger's obscure interpretation, but also emphasizes Patočka's contribution to the question of a more concrete understanding of man and his relation to truth, the world and the body. Although both are united by the desire to avoid reification, Pato čka's position is less one-sided and more constructive on the question of self-discovery. It should be noted, however, that the article is not intended to address the complex issues of the two philosophies, but only to highlight some fundamental points.


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Author Biography

  • N'Dré Sam BEUGRE, Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes Philosophiques





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How to Cite

“Being and time” in Jan Patočka. (2025). Revista Internacional De Filosofía Teórica Y Práctica, 5(1), 57-100. https://doi.org/10.51660/riftp.v5i1.244