School coexistence at school: an interdisciplinary approach to promote peace and citizenship




school coexistence, conciliation, emotional skills, interdisciplinary projects, conflict management


At the Carlos Albán Holguín School (IED), an alternative approach has been implemented for the management of school coexistence, prioritizing pedagogical measures over traditional sanctions. This approach, led by the coexistence coordination and teachers from the Natural Sciences, Language and Arts area; also includes the training of secondary school students in the field of conciliation through the Hermes program of the Bogotá Cámara de Comercio. Through this initiative, it is intended to promote an interdisciplinary approach to promote peace and citizenship by strengthening emotional skills at an intrapersonal and interpersonal level, contributing to the improvement of coexistence and the peaceful management of conflicts. The strategy focuses on the prevention and management of conflicts, without depending exclusively on the coexistence manual or disciplinary measures, betting on the development of soft skills and a culture of peace in the school environment. The methodology used in this research suggests a qualitative reflective process, seeking an interpretive and descriptive scope through different interventions such as “Voces de vida”, the radio broadcasting “Sobredosis” and the school garden as a pedagogical environment for social transformation. In each of the pedagogical approaches, feedback cycles are made from the research, action, and reflection of John Elliott, systematizing the main findings. Experience has shown that the participation of students in conciliation and community projects has improved the rates of coexistence within the institution. Likewise, the interdisciplinary approach has allowed the integration of areas such as natural sciences, artistic education and language in the design of projects, creating an environment conducive to creativity and mutual respect. These actions, far from being simple corrective measures, seek the comprehensive training of the student in emotional skills, peaceful coexistence and responsible citizenship.


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How to Cite

School coexistence at school: an interdisciplinary approach to promote peace and citizenship. (2025). International Journal of Human Development and Sustainability, 2(1), 87-116.