Educational innovation with adaptive learning systems powered by Artificial Intelligence




educational innovation, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, personalization


The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education through adaptive learning systems. These systems, based on AI algorithms, personalize the educational experience by adjusting to the needs and learning styles of each student. Using techniques such as machine learning and deep learning, they analyze large volumes of data to generate personalized learning itineraries, breaking with the homogeneous teaching model. Their implementation requires a suitable technological platform, a solid data infrastructure and the training of teachers in the use of these tools. The benefits are multiple: students receive real-time feedback and progress at their own pace, improving their motivation and learning effectiveness, while teachers can focus their efforts on higher value-added tasks and obtain valuable information on their students' progress, facilitating adaptive and personalized teaching.


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How to Cite

Educational innovation with adaptive learning systems powered by Artificial Intelligence. (2024). International Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Innovation, 4(2), 343-363.