The importance of reading. Brief history between didactics and pedagogy




language teaching, reading, basic learning skills, literature, school libraries


The article is introduced with a literary recreation and a brief tour of how interest in reading has been presented in recent times, until reaching the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) and its implications in teaching. of languages ​​in terms of skills. In this context, we seek to explain the importance of reading in an integrated manner with the rest of the skills that make up communicative competence and what is meant by reading. Finally, some reflections are made on how to approach reading not only in the school environment, but also on the role of new libraries in the training of competent readers.


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How to Cite

The importance of reading. Brief history between didactics and pedagogy. (2024). International Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Innovation, 4(2), 275-302.